a note from your People
Our Community Fund began at the inception of TRIBE YOGA, and continues through Yoga People today. The funds from our original "Pay What You Can" and other donation-based classes created a fund that supported disaster relief efforts, full and partial training scholarships , and compensation for teachers who elect to host free classes, events, and fundraisers.
At the start 2020, we set out to start a new scholarship program using this community fund, offering it as a collective opportunity to pay it forward- folks who donated to the fund in our Donation Based Classes would be directly contributing to memberships for quarterly scholarship recipients. As the world began to shut down, the start of this program slowed, but the fund is very much still active and available for those who wish to participate. In addition to memberships, we also use the fund to support local interest groups in their efforts to improve wellbeing for marginalized or underrepresented community members. So far in 2022, the Community Fund has sponsored over $5000 in scholarships and donations. A full report will be released each year in December and delivered in our monthly newsletter. We thank you so much for your support and shared commitment to improving community wellness!